Blackhawk has a history in making the highest quality tactical and outdoor gear in the world.
Blackhawk emergency medic roll.
When rolled up it is secured by hook loop and side release buckles.
Medic roll features15 various sized clear pouches to organize and carry all your medical supplies.
Rolls up and secures with hook loop and side release buckles and a wrap around hd carry handles.
Durable 1000 denier nylon.
It also has full wrap around heavy duty handles.
Medical professionals in the field face many unique challenges chief among them carrying and accessing crucial equipment.
Give yourself an intuitive carrying solution that quickly rolls out to provide access to all of your tools choose the blackhawk black emergency medical roll.
This emergency medic supply roll is a great way to carry all medical supplies.
The fire ems medic roll rolls up into a compact rig and is secured by hook loop and side release buckles.
It rolls up into a compact rig and is secured by hook loop and side release buckles.
It rolls up into a compact rig and is secured by hook and loop and side release buckles.
Med supplies not included package contents.
It rolls up into a compact rig and it secures by hook loop with side release buckles.
Blackhawk emergency medic roll black.
Featuring 15 various sized clear quick view pouches this blackhawk emergency medic roll is a great way to organize and carry all your medical supplies.
This product may contain chemicals known to the state of california to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Medical supplies not included.
For more information go to www p65warnings ca gov.
Browse our selection of blackhawk medical packs including the s t r i k e quick release medical pouch.
It has 15 various sized quick view clear pouches.
Blackhawk emergency medic roll warning.
Blackhawk emergency medical roll 51 95 featuring 15 various sized clear pouches this medical roll is a great way to organize and carry all your medical supplies.
It has 15 quick view pouches and compartments of various size.
Wrap around carry handles.
Built from a durable high performance 1000 denier nylon material you can count on this blackhawk creation to survive your work environment.