Today authorized dealers across the country sell the bil jac line which includes not only regular food but also diets for special needs.
Bil jac frozen dog food.
We are proud to say that bil jac is made in the usa and made in our own manufacturing facilities under the strictest of quality controls.
I feed it in addition to a good kibble.
Bil jac produziert seit 1947 premium hundefutter.
Bil jac is a grain inclusive pasteurized then frozen dog food using a moderate amount of named meat and named by product meal as its main sources of animal protein thus earning the brand 3 5 stars.
We want to feed them the best food possible food that s nutritious and tastes great.
I have fed bil jac frozen dog food for 40 years.
Almost 70 years later bil jac frozen dog food remains a favorite of dog lovers as well as breeders professional handlers and animal trainers.
Our food is great for professional dogs and everyday companions.
Medina ohio based bil jac has been involved in the manufacture of premium dog food since 1947 when commercial dog food products were still relatively simple.
We make bil jac frozen dog food and cool jac s treats to deliver the high quality standards you expect from bil jac.
It didn t take long for dog owners to see the difference that outstanding nutrition made in the health and appearance of their dogs and that s how bil jac frozen dog food was born.
Bil jac super premium dog food provides the nutrition to support your dog s overall health.
Bil jac is a family owned company that was founded by two brothers bill and jack during the late 1940s after serving in world war ii.
It gives them nice coats and firm stool and it helps skinny dogs put on and maintain a good weight.
Fill out the search form to find nearby bil jac products.