Bil jac small breed puppy chicken oatmeal yam recipe dry dog food 6 lb bag 19 94 autoship save 20 99 21 99.
Bil jac dry dog food.
Choose from dry dog food or gluten free and grain free wet dog food with formulas available for all lifestages from puppies and seniors.
Bil jac super premium dog food treats the freshest ingredients slow cooked to protect both the flavor and key nutrients your dog craves.
Each recipe below includes its related aafco nutrient profile when available on the product s official webpage.
Dogs get so excited about the delightful taste of chicken liver in bil jac treats now they can feel that same excitement at every meal.
With bil jac dog food treats and probiotics we make it easy to give your best friends the food they need at every age and stage of life.
Because many websites do not reliably specify which growth or all life stages recipes are safe for large breed puppies we do not include.
Bil jac small breed select dry dog food 6lb chicken chicken by products organs only source of arginine corn meal chicken by product meal dried beet pulp oatmeal whole yams brewers dried yeast and flaxseed.
We also offer solutions for food sensitivities and picky eaters.
Our food is great for professional dogs and everyday companions.
Made with fresh chicken and real chicken liver gently cooked to bring out the taste the tantalizing aroma of picky no more.
Bil jac dry dog foods come in 6 pound 15 pound and 30 pound bags depending on the recipe with a 30 pound bag of adult select formula costing around 55.
The bil jac brand of dog food is surprisingly affordable for being marketed as a super premium pet food brand.
The recall was based on complaints of mold in a few packs of the dog food.
In 2012 bil jac issued a voluntary recall of its adult select formula dry dog food stating possible mold contamination.
Bil jac picky no more dog food was created to please even the pickiest of dogs.
The bil jac dog food product line includes 10 dry dog foods.