Bil jac frozen dog food 20 lbs.
Bil jac dog food frozen.
All of my dogs have thrived on it.
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Buy bil jac products online when bil jac products are purchased from unauthorized websites there is a risk the products may be counterfeit previously opened or handled in a way that does not follow our strict quality guidelines.
We want to feed them the best food possible food that s nutritious and tastes great.
Their first product was bil jac frozen dog food which was not only one of the first meat rich dog foods but one of the first frozen dog food products as well.
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The ingredients have varied a bit over the years but it has always contained dried cereals and bakery products.
I feed it in addition to a good kibble.
I have fed bil jac frozen dog food for 40 years.
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We are proud to say that bil jac is made in the usa and made in our own manufacturing facilities under the strictest of quality controls.
We make bil jac frozen dog food and cool jac s treats to deliver the high quality standards you expect from bil jac.
Bil jac is a grain inclusive pasteurized then frozen dog food using a moderate amount of named meat and named by product meal as its main sources of animal protein thus earning the brand 3 5 stars.
Bil jac super premium dog food provides the nutrition to support your dog s overall health.